Church Seminars/Training

Church Seminars/Training

“For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;” Romans 1:11 KJV

The knowledge of the word of God has to constantly be strengthened in believers. Therefore, we organize seminars and training sessions for ministers of the gospel of Christ and Church workers to achieve this.

ASW WhatsApp platform training

The WhatsApp platform is a non-denominational platform open to believers all over the world who want to be imparted, trained or equipped for the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is to preach the gospel of Christ and win souls into the kingdom of Christ by the enablement of the Holy Spirit. The training sessions on this platform are scheduled weekly, precisely every Friday.

Church Training

Church training is specially initiated by the leadership of the ASW to reach out and help solve the various denominational hindrances or challenges, stopping growth in the Church of Christ globally. It is an avenue of striving with other ministers of God in raising steadfast and passionate soul winners.

Church training creates an opportunity to tackle individual or denominational questions, that will help instill in the Church the right doctrine of Christ; having the same mind, purpose and attitude of Christ. It also aids the bringing into consciousness, of the brethren and the entire body of Jesus, our divine mandate, which is to reconcile the world back to God. 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 TPT

For some decades evangelism and soul winning has been misunderstood to be the mandate for only ministers or some group of people, which has hindered majority of believers, making them have no interest or dare to involve in it. Therefore, our training sessions are geared towards equipping the brethren with the core divine purpose or mandate of Christ, which is mandatory to all believers irrespective of being a minister of God or not. Churches are exposed to how to go about this ministry of reconciliation with all readiness of Spirit during these trainings.

Mark 16:15 AMPC says; "And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole human race].

As stated in the scripture above, Church training opens the mind of believers toward the urgency and necessity of this command by our Lord Jesus, which is our ministry on earth. Time is taken to equip and impact believers to be efficient in their ministry as believers on:

  1. How to win souls.
  2. How to demonstrate power by healing the sick.
  3. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues.

Therefore, right keys and gifts of the Spirit which are essential to enable the brethren to fulfill their ministry are the focus of ASW Church trainings; enough power and knowledge is made available to grow the individuals into the full stature of Christ as to express and preach Christ in their world everywhere they go. Ephesians 4:11-16 TPT