Global Impact and Interaction through Prayer Network

About Global Impact and Interaction through Prayer Network

The ASW global impact and Interaction through Prayer Network is a non-denominational network platform for all believers across the globe to strive in prayer for the body of Christ Jesus (the Church), the leaders of nations and righteousness through the prevailing of the gospel of Christ in all nations. As Jesus rightly said in Luke 10:2; “Therefore said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.”

This interaction through Prayer Network is primarily an online program on Zoom App and live on Facebook and YouTube. It was launched in April,2021 with its first edition happening in that same month and subsequently in the month of September. It's been a glorious move with Ministers and Church leaders connecting online across the globe from India, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Germany, USA, UK and Ghana, in intercessory prayer for their nations and the prevalence of the gospel of Christ. This brought tremendous impacts in Nations, in that we had instant and progressive testimonies; for example, Nationwide Church closure ordered by national leadership due to Covid-19 pandemic was reopened in some East Africa countries by the national leadership.

In this view, the interaction through Prayer Network has been scheduled to run every year to build in us (the Church) the Spirit of intercession, in other to establish God’s will for the nations and for the growth of the Church of Christ Jesus.

Anyone interested to be part of this great commission is joyfully welcome either by participating or partnering us. God richly bless you all.


Pastor Rachael Lamptey
